Table of content
Logical flow (advanced)
This is the most technical section, don’t worry if you do not fully understand.
Accessing the application
Sign up
In order to register, you have to provide two informations:
- An email address
- A password
:point_right: Careful, the email address will identify you not just as a login, but also as a pseudo.
Once you have the success message, you are ready to log in (see next section).
Sign in
To log in you just have to use the email address provided at the resgristration and the password.
If you type the wrong password or email, you will see an error message, just like on the image above.
Access tickets
Once you are logged in, you can access all tickets you were involved with (see image bellow).
Log in
You do it just like the regular users, but with some special credentials.
The home page of the admin is the list of all tickets.
An admin can:
- Manage users:
- Create
- Edit
- Delete
- Manage tickets:
- Create
- Edit
- Delete
Simple, clic Déconnexion